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A Quick Look at What It Feels Like to Get Braces

September 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthografton @ 5:41 pm
a closeup of model teeth with braces

Are you interested in straightening your teeth? Whether you’re unhappy with minor gaps or severely crowded teeth, traditional orthodontics can gradually guide your pearly whites into their properly aligned positions. But what does getting braces actually feel like? This question is one that many patients find themselves wondering before committing to treatment. Here’s what you need to know.

The Initial Appointment

The first appointment may feel a little surreal, especially if you’ve been considering braces for a long time. The good news is that placing the brackets and wires on your teeth won’t be painful at all. After your teeth are polished and dried and the glue is applied, the metal brackets will be bonded to each tooth and the archwires will be put in place. Once this process is complete, your mouth may feel a little full, due to the presence of your braces, but you’ll adjust quickly.

The First Week

The first week with braces is often when patients experience some slight discomfort. This is in large part due to the pressure the metal brackets and wires placed on your teeth; though this tooth movement is gradual, it’s still technically movement. Although this discomfort isn’t a long-term symptom, it can still be annoying. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to minimize any soreness, including:

  • Avoiding acidic and excessively sugary foods.
  • Eating soft foods like yogurt, applesauce, boiled rice and pasta, and more.
  • Rinsing with a mixture of salt and warm water.
  • Taking over-the-counter pain relievers as directed.
  • Placing a cold compress against the outside of your cheeks.
  • Using orthodontic wax to cover any poking or protruding brackets or wires.

The First Six Months

After the first week and a few months in, having braces will become much more routine. You will get in the habit of visiting your orthodontist for adjustment appointments, brushing your teeth after each meal, and sticking to braces-friendly foods. Any discomfort you feel will become less and less, and it’s during this time that many patients forget what it was like not having braces! Just remember, braces are an investment in your confidence and oral health. While at times it may be hard to see the finish line, the end result will be well worth it.

The Final Visit

After months or years of treatment, the day you get your braces off may leave you feeling pretty euphoric, to say the least. The only feeling that will surpass that is when your orthodontist removes all the metal brackets and wires so you can actually see your new and improved smile in all its glory! This process doesn’t hurt at all, and you’ll immediately be able to feel the difference. It’s safe to say the feeling of accomplishment and the boost in your confidence will leave you on cloud nine.

Whether you’ve never had braces before or it’s been a long time since your last round of treatment, it’s natural to be curious about what to expect. If you have any lingering questions on your mind, don’t hesitate to talk to your orthodontist!

About the Practice

Our team here at Simply Orthodontics loves helping patients in Grafton through every stage of their orthodontic treatment, from their initial consultation to their final visit. At every appointment, Dr. Saunders and Dr. Alkhoury utilize their several years of experience combined with a genuine passion for their craft to help each patient have the seamless experience they deserve. If you have any questions or concerns about getting braces, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team online or by phone at (508) 839-9350.